

Detroit Dog of the Month, Archie!


Name: Archie Age: 6 Years Old Breed: Pug Mix Daycare Buddies: Pack Leaders Danni & Alice Fun Facts: Archie (AKA…

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Our Ferndale DOTD is Dash!!


Name: Dash Breed: Schipperke Age: 13 years 5 months BFFs: Every single human! Fun Facts: Dash is the definition of…

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Back to School Photos | Ferndale


Back to School isn’t just for kids! Canine to Five celebrated this bittersweet time of year by putting our four-legged…

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Back to School Photos | Detroit


Back to School isn’t just for kids! Canine to Five celebrated this bittersweet time of year by putting our four-legged…

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Drinking with Dogs at Detroit Shipping Co.

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Canine to Five hosts monthly Drinking with Dogs events throughout the summer that benefit local dog rescues. Tuesday night we…

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Detroit Dog Boss | Dr. Matthew M Capitanio


We’re diggin’ on Detroiters who are the top dogs in the animal care industry. These entrepreneurs, innovators and educators are…

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Our Ferndale DOTD is Gus!


Name: Gus Breed: French Bulldog Age: 3 years 8 months BFFs: The staff Fun Facts: Gus is having such a…

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Our Ferndale DOTD is Lucy S!


Name: Lucy S.  Breed: Chihuahua Age: 2 years   BFFS: Harley Quinn & Dolly   Fun Facts: Lucy is such a sweet…

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Our Ferndale DOTD is Dexter S!


Name: Dexter S Breed: Border Collie Age: 8 years old! BFFs: Tommy the Handler! Fun Facts: Dexter is the best…

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Glenn Is Our DOTD!


DOTD: Glenn! Breed: French Bulldog Bff: Ellie and Ollie Fun Facts: Glenn is a funny guy! He loves getting affection…

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